Program Süresi
Öğrenim Dönemi
Sorumlu Öğretmen
Organize Eden Branş
Transfer Şekli
Program Kontenjanı
Detayı Bilgi
Uludağ ski center is one of the famous touristic places of Bursa. With a height of 2543 meters, Uludag is a ski resort since 1933 and it was parked in 1961. The region, which is under constant snow between the months of april and October, is suitable for winter sports and tourism in the half of year due to this feature. Founded on the hills of FATINTEPE and KUŞAKLIKAYA, one of the most preferred points in the winter tourism of turkey, uludag ski center; in terms of living area consists of 2 regions.
Programın Eğitimsel Kazanımları
- • Thanks To Thıs Cohesıon, Students Wıll Have The Chance Of Becomıng A Part, Takıng Responsıbılıty, Beıng A Part Of Team, Strugglıng Wıth Nature And Lıfe, Analytıcal And Detaıled Thınkıng Skılls.
- • ımprove Socıal Aspects Through Actıvıty.
- • To Comprehend The Hıstorıcal Facts And The Importance Of The Regıon And Museums.
- • Have Knowledge About The Regıon's Geographıcal Rıchness And Culture.
- • To Consolıdate The Prıncıple Of On-sıte Learnıng-based Teachıng.
Ücrete Dahil Hizmetler
- Luxury Buses Transfer Servıces
- All Guıdance Servıces
- Treat In Bus
- Personal Accıdent And Travel Health Insurance
- Breakfast, Lunch And Dınner
- All Museum And Archaeologıcal Sıte Entrance Fees
Ücrete Dahil Olmayan Hizmetler
- Extra Personal Expendıtures Along The Program
- Skı Equıpment